Thursday, June 30, 2011

Queen of Coins

June 30th

My story:
This card comes out a lot when dealing with a person who will put on a good face and protect their family from rumors at any cost. It does not matter what goes on on the inside, the outsider should never know there is trouble in paradise. This card often comes up for the type of person who would suffer and compromise for the sake of apearances.

General Meaning:
Represents a woman who loves being a mother and dedicates much time to her family. She will go to a great length to keep her family and its reputation safe. Her children are educated and have the best of everything in life.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

9 of Coins

June 22nd

My story:

General Meaning:
Represents wealth but not the one produced by hard work but rather inherited. Abundance and prosperity that was given, not made.
Also represents stages of development, the work it takes to get from one point to the next. Moreover it can suggest symbiotic or cooperative relationship.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Prince of Coins

June 21st

My story:
So far I didn't get much interaction with this card but it always signifies headache for me, either physical or mental

General Meaning:
Represents person working on a project. The person has the skill and the stamina to get the job done. Also signifies the project nearing completion.

The Sun

June 21st

My story:
I remember pulling out this card from the deck shortly before I conceived, so to me it will always mean conception and fertility. If not actual conception and/or fertility, it means either being fertile with new ideas or full of energy for new beginnings.

General Meaning:
The most positive card in the deck, generally means child or successful outcomes.

The Hermit

June 21st - July 22nd

My story:
In an argument with someone, when both sides are unwilling to settle and things get out of hand, The Hermit signifies the last straw: either one side will tire out and decide to move away from the argument, or it means that it's as bad as it will get and from now on things can only get better (or worse, when the situation is positive).

Another meaning Hermit card had for me when I decided not to try anymore to smooth things out with a person i had a conflict with, but instead move away and not make any attempts for communication. Let them be.

General Meaning:
Reaching the highest point, the peak of the experience. Could signify being lonely at the top.

Ace of Coins

June 21st - September 22nd

My story:

General Meaning:
A time for money and wealth. Time to find out what is really valued in life. Just take precautions not to overstep or take too much.

Represents season of summer and element of earth

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

8 of Cups

June 14th

General Meaning:
Situation where emotional issues are involved and emotional lessons were learned so it's time to move on. Represents moving on from a situation where everything that could be done was done and all there was to learn was learned. A short-lived relationship or a phase, followed by a spiritual quest.
The end followed by a new beginning.

My Story:
Not getting someone to understand your point and thus having to move on and let things be as they are. Sometimes means getting your point accross and moving on from an issue but still getting the feeling of it being unresolved, just like there is a feeling of having one cup missing on the card.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

10 of Cups

June 8th

General Meaning:
Happy family. Successful family in which the spouses learned to live with each other, made peace and resolved to trust each other. They do not need "to teach each other a lesson" for momentary "bad' behavior, they do not keep score on each other. They have learned to live with each other's flaws and little annoyances and have become each other's sunshine through the rain.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

King of Cups

May 31st

General Meaning:
A man who knows what he wants and knows how to get it, he keeps his emotions under control, and while he is sweet and charming, he is not affected by emotional drama, he just does not let it get to him. He enjoys good times but at the same time he is a loyal husband and great father.

This card signifies relationship characterized by loyalty and longevity

The Moon

May 31st

General Meaning:
Deception, illusion, subconscious mind, intuition. Relates to all things that run in cycles, phases.