Friday, February 24, 2012

3 of Wands

February 24th

General Meaning:
Represents understanding of complex systems by the use of scale models. Technology used in the process of teaching.

A time to turn away from the past with hope for the future.

My story::
Taking baby steps in accomplishing your goal, taking it slow, one day at a time.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

High Priestess

February 19th - March 20th

My story:

General Meaning:
Use of intuition and inner guidance as personal counsel. Seek your own advice on this matter. Source of inspiration comes from within.

Friday, February 17, 2012

7 of Wands

February 18th

General Meaning:
Traditionally means you have an advantage even though you are outnumbered and the way to maintain your advantage is to stay mindful of your personal position and keep your focus. Do not give up your principles and things that matter to you just to keep the peace.

Also this card means being exposed to new cultures and customs. interesting and stimulating exchange that changes us and at the same time we change those who comes in contact with us.
The good ideas stick and outmoded ideas may be left in the dust waiting to be rediscovered.

My story:
I pulled this card when my husband and I were having conflicts with people who did not approve of our ideas about raising OUR son. LOL yes, people raised hell when they realized that we want to raise our child our way and not theirs.
I took the meaning of the card as not letting people change us and sticking to what WE believe is good for our son. People had a choice to either grow up and begin to respect us and our parenting decisions or show themselves out.
Even though we were outnumbered, we had the power to say "no" and we stood our grounds no matter what.

Friday, February 10, 2012

5 of Wands

February 10th

General Meaning:
Banter and gaming, friendly rivalry. The older man mentoring and challenging the skills of the younger male, knowing he will inevitably forfeit his power to him.

My story:
Usually this cart is pointing to so sort of patronage, usage of condescending tone with someone, desire to show your superiority, a rivalry, not intended to defeat but to teach and guide to the right path. A warning here to stop and think, what is that you want to accomplish? Do you wish to irritate and push someone away with your lectures or do you wish for them to listen to you and possibly take your advice? If the latter, then change the way you preach. Most times this card came up in the reading, one person tried to pass on their experience in knowledge to another, but in such a way that their offer of help was rejected. Change the ways you present the information to others and who knows, you might be heard.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

King of Wands

February 2nd

General Meaning:
This card signifies the politician, the writer, the poet, the idealist, the public speaker, or some sort of an activist. A man with political ideals and ambition. He has the ability to work with others for the sake of humanity. It is also the genious that buds from the common man.

My story::

Wheel of Fortune

February 2nd

My story:
General Meaning:
Change of fortune; the wish or prayer or hope that comes true. This card puts us on notice that our luck if bound to change. If you have been unlucky lately, trust the universe that things will improve. It also suggests that "what goes around comes around", and if you haven't been fair to your fellow man, better watch your step. You are on a path of getting a spoonful from the dish you have been serving up.