Friday, July 29, 2011

King of Coins

July 29th

My story:
It's a person who refuses to see life from different perspective, someone who is unable to see the obvious, and as a result takes themselves further from what they want, instead of taking themselves closer to their wish fullfillment.

This person has been burned in the past and became obsessed with security to the point that it makes them seem crazy. They have been either deprived of love and compassion and thus getting to the point that they demand it from all, or they have had so much of it, they forget to stop and appreciate all that was given to them.

For me, personally, this card has came up more than once in a reading for this one person who is very stubborn and refuses to see other people's viewpoint and as a result pushes peple away and creates conflict. His beliefs are damaging to himself and others but no amount of evidence seems to prove it to him. It is too important for him to be right, more important then having normal relationship with others. His way or the highway is his motto.

General Meaning:
A man who sees life from his own perspective, often setting his sights on long term gains. His need for security leaves him boxed in at times, and narrows his view. He has either come from money and has no understanding or sympathy for the poor, or has come from a place of want, which has damaged him and made him obsessive about wealth. His intuitive judgement of human nature is not too good, so he uses a set of prescribed criteria to judge who he will associate or do business with.

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