September 23rd
My story:
I pulled out this card during the election time, right before results of the election were announced. My husband and I were anxiously waiting in our living room and I went to my card table and asked "Will Obama win?" and in response I pulled the Tower card. I did not know what to think since I was new to MAAT tarot and it was a first time I ever dealt with the Tower card. A few minutes later my husband and I heard on TV that Obama did win.
I took the meaning of MAAT Tower as a breakthrough, as accomplishement that was not an easy one but all the time and resources spent make the victory even more valued.
Since then the Tower in MAAT has been always a positive card to me.
General Meaning:
Usially means something has happened or is going to happen that will take you by surprise. What happened can make you feel shattered, but you will find that all situations have balance and that the situation that started out as a bad thing turns out to be something that teaches you a valuable lesson.
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